maandag 8 mei 2017

At the moment


It's been a while since I've posted some stuff. 
Don't want to feel obligated to share my thoughts everyday. After all they are mine to keepfor myself, if I want to.

The tittle of this blog really reflects how things are going at the moment.
Each day is still a struggle. I can wake up feeling some energy, but it can easily dissapear after a few hours. I have a lot on my mind. It's still hard excepting the fact that I'm mentally not OK. I feel so much shame and guilt. 

Still worried about what everybody would think... I guess that's the hardest part at the moment. I still keep thinking about others, because it's who I am. And it's not easy changing your personality. Deep inside I hope I can inspire some people by outing there own fight as well. Because I realize more then ever that mental health is SO important and there's so little awareness...

This week is my third week at home. I've tried to plan in some important steps.
A talk with the psychologist (a though step, because a half year ago we said our goodbyes), a check-up with the doctor and for the first time: a Yoga Class. 

These are huge steps for me. Just to make sure how huge: somedays taken care of the girls is overwhelming or putting up a brave face for everyone is exhausting. 
So taking care of myself (which should be a basic thing) comes (still) on top of that all. 

One day I'll be able to make the switch... Bravely and strongly choosing to take care of myself! Not caring about what everybody else would think.. And spreading the word.. Breaking the stigma around mental illnesses... 


PS: I'm proud of myself (a promise I made with the love of my life, love you!)